Friday, 11 May 2012

90 years old with a strong spirit

I just spent a week in France to celebrate my grandmorther´s 90 birthday. She is such a strong woman. She still does her own cleaning, shopping and cooking. She even made a fantastic Partridge dinner for all of us. Congratulations!


underwerket / Lisa Grue said...

lloks amassing hope to be like her when I am 90.
greetings from NYC

i♥sisterbrandt said...

· { hvor ser det bare dejligt ud hos din mormor, flot dame ... tillykke med hende ... KH/ } ·

Jane Housham said...

Such lovely photos, especially the beautiful portrait at the top

Donna Wilson said...

she sounds amazing! I still miss my Gandma she had a strong spirit too :)

Inger Marie said...

Åhh, det ser fantastisk ud - og hvor er hun en smuk dame :) Tillykke med hende - hvor er du heldig!

Meyer-Lavigne said...

Thanks everybody!