Monday 23 May 2011

Sabine´s home in Boligliv

Now who had thought that – my living room on the front page of Boligliv. I hadn´t that’s for sure.

When we are out taking photos in people’s homes they tend to apologize for all the unfinished projects and the details that are not quite solved yet, although you rarely can see it unless you live there – but I understand them now. Thank you to all of you who have been around our shop


Maria said...

Wauw!! Meget misundelig på dit køkken Sabine :-)

jokemijn said...

how exciting that must be! and also a little strange, having so many people seeing your living room, which looks perfect but must have some flaws to you.

i♥sisterbrandt said...

· { smukt og delikat } ·

Inger Marie said...

JA - jeg så dit smukke hjem! Hvor er det fint og fyldt med inspiration. Køkkenet er legendarisk og meget smukt!