Friday, 28 January 2011

Under development

We are in the middle of a new project involving these little fellows.
Have a happy weekend.


Maria said...

Arj, hvor er de fine!! Skynd jer at blive færdige med dem :-)

lili scratchy said...

I like the Rabitt with a big,big ear ?
he's great!
have a good weekend!

Inger Marie said...

They look very friendly these little fellows. I like the idea about a dream saver. Nice project.

misako mimoko said...

me too! i'm in love with this rabbit with a big, big striped bow! :D
so sweet!!

Unknown said...

Åh, hvor er de fantastiske!

Lotte said...

Okay de er bare superniceeeee :)))

PUK said...

Det ser ud som et skønt nyt projekt!