Monday, 24 January 2011

The birthday continues

Kristine made this wonderful card and surprised me with a lovely birthday breakfast this morning. Sweet her.

I also had a lovely day yesterday with lots of handwritten letters and cards – it is really something special to receive a letter from the postman in these days. You read it slower and in a different way than an e-mail. Thank you


underwerket / Lisa Grue said...

Congratulations to you sweet Sabine. Have a fantastic day.
love, lisa

Laura said...

Happy day, sweet one. Hope to see u soon. Kh Laura

Bohemian girl said...

Happy birthday from my part!


i♥sisterbrandt said...

· { hip hip hurra Sabine ;-)) jeg er vild med kortet fra Kristine ... jeg rejser i morgen onsdag ... så smid mig en mail ... jeg er for nysgerrig til at vente en måned ;-) kh og tanker til jer begge } ·

jokemijn said...

have a happy birthday!

Meyer-Lavigne said...

Thank you all - now it is no problem to be a year older. :-)
Love, Sabine

Lotte said...

Okay det er et meget forsinket, bedre end slet ikke...hihi