Friday, 30 October 2009


It is always very exciting to open the kiln – the colors has changed - look at the transformation.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

This time you can hear the music

My childhood friend and my boyfriend are on tour at the moment with Baduljen – a poetic concert for kids about the climate and the challenges we are facing.

Winter motives

We are working on new motives on our vases. Right now we are planning a Christmas market – we will tell you more of that later

Tuesday, 27 October 2009


Just went through my summerpictures, would love to be here now, in my parents summerhouse with raw and wild nature.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Too nice

We really love the designs by Lucky Boy Sunday

From Sidsel

Look what a nice present i got today. Fits perfectly in my bathroom, to hide all my treasures. Lucky me and thank you so much sweet you!!!

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Nice holiday

Lovely days at home

Ana Serrano

Mexican Amarican Ana Serrano. Love her artwork.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Alba is nine

She is a big girl now, nine years old. Time flies!! Alba and her oldest friend celebrated together and invited boys and girls from the class. We borrowed Bjælkehuset, a cool and very danish place. Guests, cake, party and presents...the best thing was the dove with the broken wing.
Happy birthday my sweet love.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Sorry this post is in danish

Kom søndag og hør en fortællerkoncert for børn, som tager klimaspørgsmålet under poetisk og musikalsk behandling. En spændende fortælling tilsat ny musik giver et bud på, hvordan vi mennesker kan forholde os til klimaudfordingen.

Trods emnets alvor, leveres tanken om at menneskets nysgerrighed og skaberkraft trods alt er en god ting, der forhåbentlig også er i stand til at overkomme store udfordringer som denne.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Autum holliday

Last day at work before the autum holliday. Much needed!!!! Relaxing with the family and try to find a good place to smell the fresh autum air. Love that smell.
To everyone who is having a break...have a good one and enjoy.
The pics. are from Kristines home.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

More embroderies

Found this talented woman through Freedomwig. Her name is Megan Withmarsh and she is definately worth knowing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Lisa Stickley

She was much talked about when I lived in London. Like her hand drawings.